Prepare Your Home For Spring Cleaning

It’s that time of the year again to start thinking about spring cleaning. Spring is a good time to clean areas of the house that often go neglected. We have come up with a short check list to get you started. Get ready to prepare a healthier living space for you and your family to enjoy.

ORGANIZE- Declutter kitchen cabinets. Throw away any outdated pantry or refrigerator items. Go through files and shred unnecessary papers. Straighten out clothing in closets and dresser drawers. Donate clothing that hasn’t been worn in over a year or sell items that are valuable but no longer needed.

CLEAN WINDOWS- Start with taking down curtains and drapery to be dry cleaned or toss them in the wash. Dust all blinds and clean off windows inside and out with a vinegar- water solution. Freeing these areas of dust helps to refresh the air in your home.

CLEAN CEILING FANS- Those big blades on your ceiling fan are great at moving air, but when they’re idle they’re big dust magnets. Dust settles on the top surfaces where you can’t see it. Out of sight maybe, but not out of mind. For quick and easy cleaning you can use an old pillowcase to gently cover a blade. Pull it back slowly to remove the dust. The dust stays inside the pillowcase, instead of all over your floor and furniture.

PREVENT BUGS- With the weather warming up the bugs will soon return in search for food. Sweep or vacuum behind all furniture and appliances. Make sure all dry goods are stored in airtight containers. Wash your pet’s dishes as soon as they finish meals. Wash and disinfect all waste bins. Wash off containers and bottles before recycling. Reseal the exterior of your windows with a high-quality polymer such as caulk, silicone, or adhesive sealant tape.

REPLACE OR CLEAN OUTSIDE DOORMATS- By now your doormats could stand to be replaced. If you’re sure they have some life left in them, try this: Nitrile rubber backing doormats can be tossed in the washing machine. Then tumble dry. Use a tiny bit of detergent — preferably low-sudsing. All rubber doormats can be scrubbed with a brush and hosed off.

CLEAN CARPET AND RUGS- All winter long the house has been shut and one’s carpet becomes a breeding ground for airborne bacteria, dust mite feces, pet dander, pollen, dirt and pollutants from ice melt chemicals. Dust off rugs outdoors and give all carpet and rugs a good vacuum. Then have it professionally steam cleaned or use your own steamer. When steaming yourself, be sure to thoroughly rinse all residue from carpeting and rugs. (We recommend a professional steam cleaning at least once or twice per year)

Hard as we try, it is inevitable that we accumulate dirt and dust throughout the year. The good news is that spring cleaning is not only good for your home, but great for your mind and health as well. We hope this spring cleaning list helps you as much as it has helped us.