Entries by Holly B.

How Carpet Cleaning Can Improve Indoor Air Quality

Carpets frequently trap bacteria, dust, allergens, and other pollutants that affect indoor air quality and could potentially make you sick. Many people are unaware of the significant role carpet plays in determining the quality of indoor air, and ultimately lack knowledge on how to properly clean and maintain their carpet. If you’ve recently moved into […]

How To Easily Maintain A Clean Litter Box

Poor litter box maintenance is often to blame for a cat’s mishaps. Cats hate dirty litter boxes and may be driven to search for substitutes, such as a corner of the carpet. Your cat’s sense of smell is 14 times stronger than yours, so a litter box that smells reasonably clean to you may outright […]

How To Choose Carpet For A Home With Pets

Are you purchasing new carpets in a home with pets? It’s important to choose the right carpeting for your home, since some carpet types can be easily damaged in a home with pets. Replacing carpet is a major investment and there are many factors to consider before choosing new carpet for your home.  Carpet Pile: […]

Why You Should Have Your Carpet Cleaned This Spring

Spring is just around the corner and if you are like millions of other people out there, you will likely be doing some spring cleaning both inside and outside of your home or business. There is just nothing like a freshly cleaned and organized home; cleaning your carpets should also be a part of your […]

How To Prevent Spreading Of Viruses & Disinfect Your Home

As flu and viruses continue to spread, more and more people are looking for ways to disinfect their living spaces. It’s always a good idea to wash your hands thoroughly and avoid close contact with people who are sick, but there are also things you can do to deep-clean and disinfect your home.  Remember to […]